Kiev Renews War On Eastern Ukraine

Submitted by Dr. Paul Craig Roberts – Institute for Public Economy

Kiev Renews War On Eastern Ukraine

It was obvious from the beginning that the ceasefire that the Russian government supported would be used by Washington’s Kiev vassal state to recover from defeat by the Donetsk Republic and launch a new attack. The Western media, of course, will lie about the renewal of hostilities by Washington.

Russian peoples will continue to be killed as long as the Russian government continues to rely on diplomacy with its “Western partners.” This euphemism is shopworn. The Russian government should cease using this deceptive term and acknowledge that the Western countries by their words and deeds have declared themselves to be enemies of the Russian people and the Russian government.

The Daily Debt Rattle

Submitted by Raúl Ilargi Meijer  –  The Automatic Earth

How The US Dollar Stacks Up Against Major World Currencies (AP)
This Is The Case For A ‘Large, Sharp Correction’ (CNBC)
Copper’s Rout May Be A Red Flag (MarketWatch)
Swiss Central Bank’s Shock Therapy Leaves Policy Vacuum (Reuters)
Swiss Franc Trade Is Said to Wipe Out Everest’s Main Fund (Bloomberg)
Making Sense Of The Swiss Shock (Project Syndicate)
Beware Of Politicians Bearing Household Analogies (Steve Keen)
Draghi Primes His Rocket, Could End Up Shooting Europe In The Foot (Observer)
Market to European Central Bank: Size of QE Matters! (CNBC)
A New Idea Steals Across Europe – Should Greece Debt Be Forgiven? (Observer)
Ireland ‘Not Dismissive’ Of EU Debt Conference SYRIZA Wants (Kathimirini)
Aberdeen: In Scotland’s Oil Capital The Party’s Not Yet Over (Observer)
Buying A Home In Britain Should Not Be An Impossible Dream (Observer)
Obama’s State Of The Union To Call For Closing Tax Loopholes (Reuters)
Russia May Lift Food Import Ban From Greece If It Quits EU (TASS)
Donetsk Shelled As Kiev ‘Orders Massive Fire’ On East Ukraine (RT)
New Snowden Docs Reveal Scope Of NSA Preparations For Cyber War (Spiegel)
Guantánamo Diary Exposes Brutality Of US Rendition And Torture (Guardian)
Price Tag Of Saving The World From A Pandemic: $344 Billion (CNBC)
Is Lancashire Ready For Its Fracking Revolution? (Observer)
Pope Francis: Listen To Women, Men Are Too Machista (RT)

Continue Reading: Debt Rattle January 18 2015 –


Submitted by JC Collins  –  philosophyofmetrics

DerivativesMany for so long have proclaimed the end of the dollar and a collapse of the USD system. Though the dollar will be adjusted downward at some point in the initial implementation of a multilateral system, its sustainability in a broader monetary framework will be a fundamental corner stone to correcting the imbalances which originated from the USD system itself.

The USD monetary system is based on using the domestic currency of the United States as the global reserve unit of account.  This arrangement has created systemic imbalances in the international financial framework which has lead to inherent risks in all segments of the system, such as trade, credit, exchange rates, inflation/deflation, commodities, capital flows, and geopolitical power shifts.

Some of these imbalances have been extremely prominent in the last days as oil continues its dramatic depreciation, the Swiss removed the francs peg to the euro, (as the euro was depreciating against the appreciating dollar), Russia converting a portion of its foreign reserves into rubles, and geopolitically Russia has diverted natural gas flows into Europe from the transit points in Ukraine to transit points in Turkey.

On a more macro level, the Bank of China (Hong Kong) has stated that the inclusion of the RMB into the SDR basket of currencies will accelerate international monetary reform which will help build stability in the system.  This stability will be constructed around using the SDR as the global unit of account in place of the USD. Continue reading

Now There’s Two

Submitted by Jeffrey Snider  –  Alhambra Investment Partners

It almost seems to be a case of traders seeing exactly what they want to see instead of believing their “lying eyes.” Money rates in China have declined in the past few days as speculation abounds that the PBOC reduced the interest rate on its rollovers of the second part of the Medium Term Lending Facility (MLF). The PBOC had targeted specific institutions first with CNY500 billion which matured in December and were rolled. The second piece, CNY269.5 billion, was up for renewal this month.

The whispers about the rate of the renewal are intense because there is still a great deal of confusion about what the PBOC is trying to accomplish. Conventional wisdom still seems to believe that the central bank “cut rates” back in November, but then contradicted that “stance” by tearing apart repo financing. So, this thinking goes, if the PBOC reduced the rate on the MLF rollover then it will signal further rate cuts, and thus “stimulus”, for the wider financial system.

Part of the problem here is that the PBOC has been absent from money markets for 13 consecutive trading days. That has left “traders” speculating about what the PBOC will do in terms of policy this year as growth continues to falter, and lending is reduced.

These wishes for broad expansion are simply that, as the PBOC continues to openlyreiterate its tact.

Vice-Governor Li Dongrong said in a short speech posted on the bank’s website that the bank will continue to pursue the government’s “prudent” monetary policy stance this year but will create an “appropriately neutral monetary environment”. The PBOC will also speed up interest rate reform and improve the yuan exchange rate formation mechanism, he said.
December credit data released earlier Thursday fell short of economist expectations, though domestic markets rallied on hopes that signs of dwindling capital inflows may finally push the central bank to cut the required deposit reserve ratio.

Li Dongrong’s speech should be enough so that the second paragraph quoted above never gets written – “dwindling capital inflows” is part of the intent of “reform.” Li is spelling out, yet again, that “targeted” monetarism is far different from the naked monetarism of the past. The PBOC is still engaging in reform which means it will not be giving these “markets” what they want. Continue reading

Yanis Varoufakis



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