The Daily Debt Rattle

Submitted by Raúl Ilargi Meijer  –  The Automatic Earth

Mining Shares Plunge As Commodities Index Hits 13-Year Low (FT)
Gold Isn’t Even Close To Being The Biggest Loser Among Commodities (MarketWtch)
Capital Exodus From China Reaches $800 Billion As Crisis Deepens (AEP)
A $4 Trillion Force From China That Helped the Euro Now Hurts It (Bloomberg)
China’s Shoppers May Take 10 Years To Step Up (CNBC)
Greek Parliament Approves EU Demands in Order to Keep the Euro (Bloomberg)
Euro’s Resilience During Greece Debt Crisis Belies Damage Done (Bloomberg)
Awkward Alliance Running Germany Exposed by Greek Crisis (Bloomberg)
On Reform, Europe Asks Greece To Go Where Many Fear To Tread (Reuters)
Germany And Greece Need Counselling (Guardian)
Greece Isn’t The Problem; It’s A Symptom Of The Problem (Simon Black)
Moving on From the Euro (O’Rourke)
EU Refuses To Acknowledge Mistakes Made In Greek Bailout (Richard Koo)
Bank Curbs Hit Greek Charities (Reuters)
Finns Told Pay Cuts Now Only Way to Rescue Economy From Failure (Bloomberg)
Catalans Spur the Remaking of Spain With Battle for Independence (Bloomberg)
Tim Cook’s $181 Billion Headache: Almost 90% Of Apple’s Cash Held Overseas (BBG)
Ancient DNA Link Between Amazonians and Australasians Traced (NY Times)
The 97% Scientific Consensus on Climate Change Is Wrong-It’s Even Higher (Hill)

Much more here: Debt Rattle July 23 2015 –